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Reflection/Quilt The Raising of Lazarus

The third reflection is based on John 11:1-44 and is the story of the raising of Lazarus.

By Fred Fosnacht

Reflection on Third Scrutiny

The Raising of Lazarus

Mary stayed at home.

Robed in black,

Stilled by grief.



Her brother is dead.

Anointing the beloved

Before friends flee

Gives no right to summon

The healer at a moment's notice.

Martha spits the words

In the hearts of all.

What was so important,

Or was Lazarus so unworthy,

You could not reach

To touch and heal

The one you claimed to love?

Now he is four days cold.

No light in him

Asleep beyond awakening.

Ears which do not hear

Eyes which cannot see

Touch which cannot find comfort.

If you had been here

My brother would not have died.

Now you claim:

Your Love flexes time.

Your Presence pierces pain.

Your Fidelity funds life.

Your Belief births breath.

Our awakening brings salvation.

Thomas invites,

On behalf of all,

Come, and see!

"Let us join the journey,

And also die."


The place that calls you

To faithful darkness, awaits.

But first, this cave,

Unclean from death

Will be washed clean by your love.

The creative Word,

With God from the beginning,

Cries through tears,

"My friend, my beloved one,

Come Forth!"

The Father hears,

And the kingdom comes.

On earth as it is in heaven.

And His breath

Unwraps the binds of death.

The Raising of Lazarus

The Raising of Lazarus

Designed, Pieced and Quilted

By Mary Kay Fosnacht

23" x 39"

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